At the beginning of 2020, who would have predicted that we would be working remotely in the next 90 days? Many of us are using this as an opportunity to use technology to stay connected. As we work from home and explore new ways to collaborate virtually, we are looking to have MORE engaging and effective virtual meetings.
I enjoyed facilitated a session for ICF Bangalore as part of the weekly connect call. I was inspired to design this session with tools and processes that evoke collaboration and connection. I have learnt so much over the last few weeks from friends across the globe who have been sharing generously. We started with a Check in with different prompts and here are some glimpses into the richness of responses from the group. (Liberating Structures)
COVID IS.. Scary – an eye and mind opener – Great opportunity – disruptor – not so bad – Unknown -Pandemic – unparalleled – awakening of the values hidden opportunity to learn – will..Go Go go very fast – dreadful – A VIRUS- An Opportunity for all -the time to reset and focus on investing in yourself – one helluva strange/interesting experience
ONE THING I HAVE CHANGED IS…Lifestyle – my approach to life -more acceptance – become more patient – Taking one day at a time- the way to look at people- my outlook – my perspective- is my attitude to writing- Letting the small things go – the way I spend time – Closeness- Not going out- Following a gratitude journal- Focusing on health
ONE THING I PLAN TO DO BUT HAVEN’T IS…Regular meditation – read more – work – start cleaning up my documents- write my experiences in business -reading more -Read a book fully – Cleaning my self…Complete my thesis on Transaction Analysis – read more – meditate – continue harmonica play – start my business -Study -write more- get more work done -Focus on peer coaching in these days
A QUESTION THAT IS EMERGING FOR ME… When will it end? Is all this rat race worth it? Who am I ? What is more dear to me? Job or family & friends ?What next? What do I want to do differently in the days ahead? Is what is important to me in these times? Time to reprogram yourself and your activities? How do I hold on to this work life flexibility? Did we need this now? How will life change? What will change for ever? How long? Sharpen the saw? Will I love the new normal , I think so. Does the Government have a good plan to balance Economy vs Lockdown? How will I adapt?
ALL I WANT IS… Peace ; Nothing else ; be normal ; life to continue ; one step at a time ; health and happiness ; A wholesome life ; get back to work and life in general ; Good health for everyone Take things as they come. All is good ; Being able to stay centered ; To do something meaningful; See how world is going to change; Coffee at a beach; Life to be back to what it used to be ; Use this time productivity; happiness and safety ; People to heal sooner; No more loss of life due to Covid; Peace of mind; Things to be normal!
We used Mentimeter to acknowledge the feelings that participants were bringing in to the session. It was encouraging that many were curious, excited, happy and intrigued to be on the session. The one word that stood out from the word cloud resonating was: “Curious”. We also shared our current experience with leading virtual meetings. This was a great pulse check at the start of the call. We were later able to have the group share their tips and tools of building engagement on remote meetings.
We discussed the Top 5 tips for Engagement, Setting the Tone, Getting voices heard and various ways to use technology in the best possible way. The group explored the Annotate function in zoom, especially the ‘stamp’ function. One key takeaway was that there are so many possibilities when we keep it simple! Many in the group had not experienced the power of ‘break out’ room function. We also explored the 6 neuroscience principles to hold the attention of the learner.
The group shared the various tools they have been using to keep participants engaged – Breakout Room, Polls, Ask for reaction, Usage of POY, usage of chatbox, Mentimeter, Survey, Mural, Miro, Ideaboardz, kahoot etc. Other tips were to ask questions, encourage to open mic and express views, ask for reactions, keep it interactive, acknowledge, invite people by name to share, and most importantly to get support on the call especially for managing technology issues.
We closed with reflections and sharing ONE key learning from the session. It was wonderful to engage with the group after the session. With the current situation and looking at future trends, it is vital that we become efficient while working virtually. Communicating with our clients, teams and managers effectively and ensuring that outcomes are met can become harder when the right tools, techniques, resources and mindsets are not applied.
Curious to learn more creating or facilitating engaging and impactful virtual sessions? Connect with me on Linkedin to explore how I can help.